Sunday 14 January 2007


Those born under the sign of Aries are friendly creatures with a forceful manner, a firm handclasp and an instant smile. They are naturally humorous and quick of wit, enjoying music and entertainment. As students, they have the ability to apply whatever they learn to good advantage. Individuals governed by Aries are a courageous leaders, genuinely concerned about the welfare of those they command. Being a responsible soul, it is rare that those ruled by Aries will use a subordinate to obtain their own objectives...but it does occasionally happen. Aries is much concerned with self...both positively and negatively. This self-reliant characteristic can sometimes lead to a self-centered attitude, with a tendency to be overly-concerned with personal advancement and physical satisfaction.

The Bright Side
The Aries personality is fiery and warm, passionate and self-expressive with an urge to act - NOW! This is not a patient sign; everything is done on impulse, and with great urgency.

Aries is a courageous leader, not averse to taking risks, but will often feel that 'I know best '. As Aries has a quick grasp of the essentials of any situation, this may well be so; but Aries rarely hangs around to check for which to fight, a problem to solve, or a new idea to pioneer and this enterprising personality comes into its own.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and 'Me First' is the Arian motto! Active and outgoing, the Arian personality is all set to make its mark on the world - but this can lead to a selfish, egotistical attitude to life. In a vulgar manner, this often proves successful: because the simple fact of the matter is what Arians want, they usually tend to get.

The Dark Side
Strangely enough for such an active sign, one of its main failings is that of procrastination. Although Aries is extremely impatient and intolerant of delay, the Aries personality is prone to put off what must be done (tax returns, for example) if the matter to be put underway is simply not interesting. Similarly, Aries may resort to lies rather than undergo the inconvenience, or boredom, of being forced into doing something Aries would rather not do. Arians can also be blunt, often causing offence, or employ bullying tactics in a selfish desire to have their own way.

Primary Characteristics

Personality Traits
Adventurous and energetic
Dynamic and quick-witted
Enthusiastic and confident
Pioneering and courageous

Can be foolhardy
Can be impulsive and impatient
Can be selfish and quick-tempered

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