Wednesday 18 May 2005

Hockey ends here

My days as player for Hochey Club Winschoten are over since last Friday. We had 2 men teams, but due to exams, studies and other reasons people are leaving and there aren't enough players left for 2 teams, so 1 team will be formed with a lot of players. As I don't fancy sitting on the bench a lot (as everyone has to play and not only the best) or even staying at home (as you can only bring 15 men to a match), I am leaving the club where I have played since I was 6. With a few years leave at Daring (Veendam) and Germany, I have played all these years with the same people, shared the same showers, mocked on the same opponents and enjoyed all those great victories and stupid losses. I will miss them.
I have no idea what I will do next season. I have an offer still open to coach a season in the US, but I will miss too many university courses, so it isn't a real option. I will probably play in Groningen at one of the 4 clubs we have here. Might try to get into one of the 1st teams there, but that will be a lot of work. There is also still the idea to become a national referee. Well, it's more than an idea and I will probably do that, but I am not sure if I can miss and want to miss the game. I still am so in love with it...

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