Monday 12 July 2004


How does my day look like? Well, I get up around 7.00 / 7.15 am, take a shower, eat some breakfast (or not) and walk around 8 to the embassy. Through the shopping street I live on, where the first shops open their roll-down shutters, past some cafes where people already drink their coffees, to the park. Through the park where it seems that someone is 24/7 spraying the grass wet and where women in overalls clean up the streets. Across 2 roads which are highly dangerous, and where you can always find a guy in a wheelchair begging and 2 of his daughters (?) who are begging as well and cleaning windshields (unwanted). Past the old mausoleum of Hoxa, which is now a bar, and the Prime Ministers office with it's guards on full alert. Entering the street where the Worldbank, the State Television and the Italian and Macedonian embassies are. At the corner a caravan where you can buy your first hotdog (or something looking like it) of the day. At the gates of the Italian embassy long queues of Albanians trying to obtain a visa. Don't forget to watch the road as an entrance to the sewers has no cover. Then one final turn left and I am there. At the corner a guy with a stand selling cigarettes, cookies and handkerchiefs. At the gate of the embassy saying good morning to the police officer and the guard who opens the gate, opening the door with my keycard, walking up the stairs, opening the roll-down shutters, turning on my pc, reading the headlines of the news and getting my coffee served! What a life!

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