Saturday 21 October 2006


I applied for a position of student-member of the education commission of the Faculty of Arts at my university (the RUG). The commission reviews the current studies and curricula and advises on new policies and new (methods of) education.
The talk I had was very positive and fun. They asked me how my friends would describe me, so I gave them Arnoud's phonenumber and asked them to call and ask him. They did that right away and Arnoud was very positive I would say. :-) I had good hopes.
On Thursday I received an email, with the message that they thought that due to my experiences, work, traineeships and adventures, thought that I was overqualified and wouldn't find a challange in the position. They asked me to reply and comment on their thought. I did and thought that I would still get the position, as I replied rather well and positive. Why would I apply if I wouldn't want to do something 100%? On Friday, I got a voicemail, as I couldn't pick up my phone: I wasn't selected and they were sorry to tell me by phone, but they had other, better, candidates.
OK, if they have better candidates, fine, no problem. But if you are sory to tell me by phone: call me back in 30minutes or something. Also find the reasoning strange, but ok, their pick...

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